nampak name die die fb n xboleh nk buzz...sakit x prasaan 2????sakit sgt2.....
Thursday, July 21, 2011
~~@ physio dept only~~
arini duk ipoh je...spttnye ari ni g tgk chelsea tp hati dh xde prasaan dh...
so duk umh je r...mak xbg g n ni last wish die...hmmm...again....
Posted by anna husna at 7:59 AM 0 comments
~~xdpt tido~~
mlm td xdpt tdo...huhuh....panas kot...
kul 3 lbbh terjage smpai kul 4 lbh bru dpt tdo....
plz kuat zaidatul...
Posted by anna husna at 7:56 AM 0 comments
~~~maen badminton...~~
smlm maen badminton smpai maghrib...apo nk jd ni...basah maen ari2 smpai kurus kering...+ lak xlalu mkn...
Posted by anna husna at 7:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
offficially its over...
2 je cre utk wat die benci aku...terpakse menipu utk die tgalkn aku...
sure die mrh n kecewa...
dr die kecewa utk masa akan dtg,bia die kecewa skang....bia die benci aku...
hope aku boleh tgk die dr jauh....
Posted by anna husna at 2:55 PM 0 comments
separuh jiwaku pergi...
Separuh Jiwaku Pergi
Memang indah semua
Tapi berakhir luka
Kau main hati dengan sadarmu
Kau tinggal aku
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Kau khianati hati ini
Kau curangi aku
Kau bilang tak pernah bahagia
Selama dengan aku
Itu ucap bibirmu
Kau dustakan semua
Yang kita bina
Kau hancurkan semua
Back to Reff
Benar ku mencintaimu
Tapi tak begini
Kau khianati
Kau curangi aku
Kau dustai hati
Benar ku mencintaimu
Posted by anna husna at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
nora danish....
sepanjang hbgn ni...die slalu kate die suke nora danish..tiap kate2 die akan aku pikirkn setiap ari..even bende 2 dh 3 tahun lpas die ckp...sume tentang die aku masih ingt even 4 5 thun lpas...
Posted by anna husna at 10:53 PM 0 comments
1st day...
1st day tanpa die...sepi.......
hp xberbunyi...rase nk mati..
kuatkn hati ni ya allah...
aku xlayak utk berdamping dengannye...
die sgt baek sdgkn aku...
nk je jerit n hug die...ckp aku sygkn die smpai aku mati.....
Posted by anna husna at 10:50 PM 0 comments
Aku Tanpa Cintamu
Lirik - Aku Tanpa Cintamu
Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku
Mengapa cintaMu tak pernah hadir
Subur dalam jiwaku
Agarku tetap bahagia
Tanpa cintaku tetaplah Kau di sana
Aku tanpa cintaMu
Bagai layang-layang terputus talinya
Telah ku mungkiri janjiku lagi
Walau seribu kali
Ku ulang sendiri
Aku takkan tempuh lagi
Apakah kau terima cintaku lagi
Setelah ku berpaling
Dari pandanganMu
Yang kabur kerna jahilnya aku
Masihkah ada sekelumit belas
Mengemis kasihMu Tuhan
Untukku berpaut dan bersandar
Aku di sini kan tetap terus mencuba
Untuk beroleh cintaMu
Walau ranjaunya menusuk pedih
Posted by anna husna at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 15, 2011
1st week as a teacher...
rase sonok sgt jd pengajar...maybe sbb mulut ni jenis xnk diam..hehe...
ajar anatomy je utk mgu ni...mgu depan bile dak sem2 dh masuk, kene ajar anatomy utk sem 1 n health care utk sem 2...notes dh siap utk bulan pertama...skang odw n siapkn utk bulan ke 2...hopefully student paham ape yg aku ajar...hehehe...gudluck ana...
~~miss him so much~~
Posted by anna husna at 12:07 PM 0 comments
How You Can Deal With Ageing Skin
No one can avoid it! You can cover it up with makeup, you can peel away the layers with acid and chemical treatments, you can turn back the clock with surgery but, it will happen. It happened to your parents, it will happen to your children and it will happen to you! It’s inevitable. You will age and your skin will age with you. But healthy aging is a natural process, something that can be accepted and embraced. With so many quick fixes out there it’s easy to forget the most important element of skin aging and that is skin health.
You could have a full face lift, eye lift, and neck lift at the age of 55 but if after the surgery you continue to abuse your skin, you continue to drink a bottle of wine every day, you continue to smoke, you continue to lie out in the sun, and you continue with the same homecare routine of just soap, water and a moisturiser, how long do you think the effects of that surgery will last? Not long. After all, its only superficial, just because you had a facelift does not mean your skin will produce more collagen or more elastin. Yes, your skin is pulled tight so you can’t see the wrinkles, but for how long?
If you focus on keeping your skin healthy it will always look good, whether you are 15, 25 or 65. It is possible to age gracefully, and what, may I ask is wrong with that.
There are two different types of aging. Intrinsic aging is the natural process of physical change over time, it is more about genetics then your lifestyle. This process begins in your mid 20s but will not begin to show on your skin until decades later.
It is premature aging (extrinsic aging) that you can control. Premature aging refers to the unnatural acceleration of the natural aging process it is induced by daylight exposure and lifestyle choices such as smoking , diet and stress.
The Sun
The sun is responsible for a litany of skin issues, and more importantly skin cancer. Scientific studies have shown that repeated ultraviolet exposure breaks down collagen, impairs the skin’s ability to repair itself, and attacks our elastin. In fact, 90% of premature aging is caused by ultraviolet rays from the sun. The damage caused by these damaging rays can be seen through deep wrinkles, age spots (hyper pigmentation), spider veins, a rough, blotchy complexion and the dreaded ‘leathery’ look!
Everyone seems to be aware of the dangers of lying out in the sun and most will use sun protection but it’s the daily exposure to these UV rays that we should be equally aware of as cumulative damage will also cause extensive damage. Fifteen minute walks outside and occasional lunches outdoors can add up to weakened collagen and elastin, and of course, skin cancer. It’s important to remember that even if you don’t see pink or red skin after being in the sun, that doesn’t mean that the damage hasn’t been done.
Lack of sleep / stress
Skin is the first place to be effected by lack of sleep – the immediate effects of exhaustion are represented through dark circles under the eyes and sagging skin.
Stress is inevitable – just like aging! But it also contributes to premature aging. Often when we are stressed we furrow our brow, place our hands on our faces and pull it in every which way and direction and twist our faces around, performing repetitive movements that impart permanent damage.
Exposure to the elements
Cold winds and low temperatures can dry out skin, depriving it of balanced levels of sebum (oil) that keeps skin lubricated. Without these oils, skin becomes dry, and is more prone to premature aging because of the lack of protective oils. This goes for forced air heating as well such as air conditioning. Warm and dry air acts like a giant sponge, soaking up moisture from everything it touches, including your skin.
Lack of exercise / poor diet
Lack of exercise can contribute to prematurely aging skin, as exercise keeps muscles toned and stimulates blood flow. A poor diet leads to a lack of nutrition for the cells and possible exposure to chemicals and preservatives. Fried and burnt food can also cause oxidation (free radicals from vitamins help counteract oxidation), leading to weaker cell structure.
Smokers are more likely than non-smokers to develop wrinkled, leathery skin, as well as a yellowish hue in their complexions. And even if you are not a smoker, being around a smoker can still cause damage to your skin.
So what can be done?
Sun protection as your first line of defence
If the sun is your skin’s worst enemy, then sun protection is your first line of defence. And with new sunscreen technology that won’t clog pores, won’t cause irritation (redness and burning) and won’t feel chalky or greasy, it’s much easier to comfortably make sunscreens a part of your daily skin care routine.
When selecting sun protection, look for sun protection factors (SPF’s) that are combined with stabilized antioxidant vitamins. Research shows sunscreens formulated with antioxidant vitamins provide enhanced protection against damaging UV light and free radicals. With this increased protection from antioxidant vitamins, there is no need to add more potentially irritating sunscreen chemicals to create a higher SPF level.
Dermalogica’s solar defence system delivers this antioxidant technology through UV smart booster technology, a microcapsule containing antioxidant vitamins that burst open upon contact with UV light, releasing the antioxidants onto the skin, providing protection when it’s needed most.
Exfoliation will help to remove dulling skin cells from the skin’s surface while improving penetration of beneficial ingredients. There are many different types of exfoliant available but the most effective form for reducing the appearance of the signs of aging is an alpha hydroxy acid based exfoliant. With this type of exfoliant you apply it as you would a masque, leave it on your skin for approximately 10 minutes and then remove. An alpha hydroxy acid based exfoliant will dissolve the inter-cellular glue that holds your skin cells together, thus loosening dead skin cells and removing them. Using this type of exfoliant reduces the amount of stimulation on your skin, as you don’t need to rub it over your skin as you would if you were to use a scrub based exfoliant.
Emollients (such as Shea Butter and Organic Silicones) will help maintain soft, smooth, pliable skin and will act as a lubricant, helping to reduce flaking and moisture loss while improving appearance.
Topically-applied vitamins
It has been scientifically proven that topically-applied vitamins do improve the health of the skin. Vitamin A helps inhibit collagen breakdown while stimulating collagen production, vitamin B aids in wound healing, vitamin C is an antioxidant that inhibits melanin, and vitamin E is an antioxidant that provides a barrier protection while smoothing the skin. An excellent product to try is Dermalogica’s Multivitamin Power Concentrate, which will give you a daily dose of all the vitamins that your skin needs.
It is also imperative to recognize that the success of your skin treatments will be heavily influenced by your professionally prescribed at-home regimen and the wearing of sunscreen anytime the skin is exposed to daylight. Also important is proper homecare skin products and techniques. Do not use hot water when cleansing, don’t use excessive or abrasive movements (instead, go for gentle, upward circles), keep your surrounding temperature as moderate as possible, and stay away from products that contain artificial fragrances or colours. In addition, ask your skin therapist about products containing peptides. Peptides act as cellular messengers that regulate cell repair while stimulating collagen production. Peptides also help improve skin elasticity and tone while fighting the appearance of fine lines.
Posted by anna husna at 12:06 PM 0 comments
The Kissing Cure
Great sex does not begin with rotten kisses. Most people don’t usually think about the "proper" way to kiss—when it comes to the tongue tango, most people just wing it. However, each of us probably has encountered enough slobbers, peckers, and tonsil-divers to know that there are right ways and wrong ways to kiss and to get you interested.
Think about it this way. The average person spends over 500 hours of their life kissing. At an approximate length of one minute each, that’s over 30,000 kisses. It’s worth it to learn to kiss well. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. Good, rich, passionate kissing uses up to 600 calories an hour. You decide what your preference is.
The fun part in unlocking the secrets to intimacy, passion, romance and great kisses and practice makes perfect, so working on those rotten kisses can lead to passionate puckering. So if at first you don’t succeed… kiss, kiss again.
Intimacy comes in many forms. Kissing is only one of them. Parents give their infants kisses on the checks, head, neck and hands, and in just about any spot to be found. The infant loves it. These brain maps that are created in childhood are taken into adulthood as unconscious styles of relating. Babies who are overwhelmed, over-stimulated, or under-attended-to grow up often doing the same in relating to others: they overwhelm, over stimulate, or under attend.
When the kissing is rotten, all the rest of the stuff that goes along with or following kissing, like hugs, hand holding, whispering, schmoozing, and other such activities will be rotten as well. If sexual intimacy is what you want, if the kisses are rotten, most likely so is it, or you get less of it, like the speedy, good old American "quickie."
When the kissing goes south, a lot of really great stuff foes away in time, like caring, closeness, sensitivity, esteem and oftentimes the relationship itself.
This is a shame because kissing can be so exciting. No one should be without this enriching, delicious experience in an intimate relationship, especially if you want maximum pleasure. We are born with the capacity to have pleasure. Demand it, or suffer! But know this: the true initial beginning of intimacy is the kiss.
Author : William Dorich Article
Source :
Posted by anna husna at 12:02 PM 0 comments
FOR U>>>>>
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.
Suffering becomes beautiful when anyone bears great calamities with cheerfulness, not through insensibility but through greatness of mind
Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same.
Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it, for nothing is made worse or better by praise.
The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about, nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.
Always continue the climb. It is possible for you to do whatever you choose, if you first get to know who you are and are willing to work with a power that is greater than ourselves to do it.
Always do your best. What you plant now, you will harvest later.
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success
Learn from the past, set vivid, detailed goals for the future, and live in the only moment of time over which you have any control: now.
Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.
Posted by anna husna at 11:31 AM 0 comments
flower -hoya, also called wax flower
“If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning "Good morning" at total strangers.”
Posted by anna husna at 10:17 AM 0 comments
RASULULLAH S.A.W BERSABDA: YANG ERTINYA: Barang siapa yang mengerat kukunya pada ;
* Hari Sabtu : Nescaya keluar dari dalam tubuhnya ubat dan masuk kepadanya penyakit
* Hari Ahad : Nescaya keluar daripadanya kekayaan dan masuk kemiskinan
* Hari Isnin : Nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk sihat
* Hari Selasa : Nescaya keluar daripadanya sihat dan masuk penyakit
* Hari Rabu : Nescaya keluar daripadanya was-was dan masuk kepadanya kepapaan.
* Hari Khamis : Nescaya keluar daripadanya gila dan masuk kepadanya sembuh dari penyakit.
* Hari Jumaat : Nescaya keluar dosa-dosanya seperti pada hari dilahirkan oleh ibunya dan masuk kepadanya rahmat daripada Allah Taala.
Posted by anna husna at 9:09 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 11, 2011
ade jugak yg meninggal...hmmm...
petikan Utusan malaysia online
Pakar perubatan HKL sahkan kematian kerana komplikasi jantung - Polis
KUALA LUMPUR 10 Julai - Polis hari ini mengesahkan kematian seorang pemandu teksi berusia 59 tahun semasa dipercayai menyertai perhimpunan haram Gabungan Pilihan Raya Bersih dan Adil (Bersih) semalam, adalah berpunca daripada masalah komplikasi jantung.
Pemangku Ketua Polis Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Amar Singh Ishar Singh berkata, ia berikutan hasil laporan awal bedah siasat oleh pakar perubatan Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) yang mengesahkan kematian mangsa itu pada pukul 5.30 petang.
Beliau berkata, laporan itu juga mendapati tiada kesan kecederaan dalaman mahupun luaran pada tubuh mangsa, Baharudin Ahmad.
"Justeru, dakwaan mengatakan Baharudin meninggal dunia disebabkan tindakan pihak polis yang menyembur gas pemedih mata dan memukulnya ketika berada di Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) adalah tidak benar sama sekali.
petikan dr the malaysian insider...
Bersih 2.0: Keluarga mahu polis tanggungjawab kematian Baharuddin
KUALA LUMPUR, 10 Julai — Abang kepada Baharuddin Ahmad, seorang peserta perhimpunan Bersih 2.0 yang meninggal dunia semalam, mempersalahkan kematian mangsa adalah akibat sikap “kejam” pihak polis.
Kassim Ahmad, 72, memberitahu The Malaysian Insider bahawa Baharuddin mati kerana polis tidak memberikannya bantuan perubatan dengan segera sebaik sahaja Allahyarham pengsan akibat terkena air berasid dan gas pemedih mata yang dilepaskan oleh pasukan keselamatan.
“(Mereka) ada meminta polis agar membantu menghantar dia ke hospital tetapi mereka enggan. Jadi mereka menunggu satu setengah jam sebelum sebuah van datang,” katanya.
“Ramai yang cuba menyelamatkan dia... jika dia diberikan bantuan oksigen, dia kemungkinan masih hidup hari ini,” kata Kassim.
mane yg btol: hanye diorg yg tau...kite yg jauh ni jgn r maki2 bace kat fb, sume perkataan yg kasar2 kuar...adei..sesame melayu lak 2...
Posted by anna husna at 9:58 AM 0 comments
bg aku..tuntutan ambiga 2 mmg xpatut r..abis r kesucian agama kite..lau diorg accept, ape yg tggal utk org islam...
tp ade pendapat berkate..perhimpunan bersih yg disokong oleh pkr n pas 2 utk 8 tuntutan je...kat bawah ni,sile bace k...
lau 8 tuntutan ni aku rase xsalah lak...yg salah cume communication between diorg2 ni..ape slhnye berbincang antara masyarakat...
pic ni ternampak dlm fb...terfikir gak...marina mahathir involve jugak so ape sebenarnye bersih ni..rupe2nye bersih ni juz sokong ideologi 8 tuntutan yg kat bju td 2...cume gunekn saluran yg btol...thanks 2 fru coz dpt mengawal keadaan..xde dgr ade yg mati...juz diorg gune gas pemedih mate 2...gas 2 kn xelok utk long term...hmmm...plz pikir akibat utk jangka mase lapang...coz disebablan bende ni, ade org yg kene buang university, kene buang sape nk bg anak bini mkn...pikir2 kan lah....
Posted by anna husna at 9:36 AM 0 comments
TUNTUTAN AMBIGA MELALUI IFC ( oh srikandi cinta ku.. thuiii!!! )
1. Seseorang anak yang dilahirkan oleh ibu bapa Islam... tidak seharusnya secara terus menjadi orang Islam.
2. Orang bukan Islam yang telah memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan kebebasan untuk kembali ke agama asal mereka (murtad) dan tidak boleh... dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
3. Sebarang kes pertukaran agama orang Islam kepada bukan Islam tidak sepatutnya dikendalikan oleh Mahkamah Syariah tetapi dikendalikan oleh Mahkamah Sivil.
4. Tidak perlu dicatatkan di dalam kad pengenalan seseorang Muslim bahawa ia beragama Islam.
5. Orang bukan Islam tidak perlu dikehendaki menganut Islam sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan Orang Islam,Orang Islam hendaklah dibenarkan keluar daripada Islam (murtad) sekiranya ingin berkahwin dengan orang bukan Islam tanpa boleh dikenakan tindakan undang-undang.
6. Seseorang atau pasangan suami isteri yang menukar agamanya dengan memeluk Islam tidak patut diberikan hak penjagaan anak.
7. Orang yang bukan Islam yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan dengan seorang yang memeluk Islam hendaklah diberikan hak menuntut harta pusakanya selepas kematiannya.
8. Kerajaan hendaklah menyediakan dana yang mencukupi untuk membina dan menyelenggara rumah-rumah ibadat orang bukan Islam sebagaimana kerajaan menyediakan dana yang serupa untuk masjid.
9. Orang bukan Islam hendaklah dibenarkan dan tidak boleh dihalang daripada menggunakan perkataan-perkataan suci Islam dalam percakapan dan sebagainya.
10. Bibel dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan Bahasa Indonesia sepatutnya dibenarkan untuk diedarkan kepada umum secara terbuka.
11. Pelajaran agama bukan Islam untuk penganut agama itu hendaklah diajar di semua sekolah.
12. Program-program berunsur Islam dalam bahasa ibunda sesuatu kaum hendaklah ditiadakan. Program dakwah agama lain selain Islam pula hendaklah dibenarkan untuk disiarkan dalam bahasa ibunda masing-masing.
13. Orang Islam yang membayar zakat tidak sepatutnya dikecualikan daripada membayar cukai pendapatan dan wang Hasil zakat sepatutnya digunakan juga untuk keperluan orang-orang bukan Islam.
14. Sepatutnya Islam tidak disebut sebagai pilihan pertama masyarakat Malaysia seperti dalam soal pakaian menutup aurat kepada pelajar sekolah.
Inilah perjuangan Ambiga yang sedang mendapat sokongan daripada orang Islam PAS dan PKR di dalam Negara kita hari ini. Kalau inilah yang kita mahukan,marilah kita menyatakan sokongan tanpa berbelah bagi kepada Ambiga dan IFC.Maruah Melayu Islam di bawah tapak kaki si Hindu Ambiga!See More
By: Abdul Shukur Mohamad

Posted by anna husna at 9:26 AM 0 comments